Capture the Ever-Changing Moments: Why You Need a Documentary Family Session

A littler girl walking down the middle of a New York City street during a snow storm.

Whether you realize it or not, you live by the three-month rule. This rule dictates that every three months of your life is almost guaranteed to be different than the previous three months—so many changes in that time—especially if you have little ones. There is so much growth, many milestones, and so many changes in just three months.

That is why it is so important to have a documentary family session. You might not think that you need to document the everyday moments, but the truth is that those ordinary things will be so different in just three months that we may forget to hold onto them while we can. That’s why photo sessions are so important—everything changes in the blink of an eye!

Too often, we fall prey to the same tired excuses to put off scheduling a family photo session. And here in New York, it’s all too common. We’re too busy. It’s too cold. The price is too high. There’s nothing worth documenting right now. But those excuses don’t compare to the importance of moments that will be gone sooner than you think. Those little moments have backstories that become much more valuable as time passes.

This past weekend was the first time Emilia had the opportunity to experience a snow day. It was the first time she was old enough to truly appreciate the joy of school being closed, bundling up in all the winter layers, and rolling around in the snow banks until the cold forces you back inside. That happiness associated with a snow day will be felt again, but the first time is different. Purer. More exciting. I am so thrilled I captured it.  

It is not just about the annual photography session that shows how much your children have grown. My photo sessions focus on unique traditions, family relationships, and the most meaningful interactions. Those small habits and traits your kiddies develop. The nightly routine shifts as they get older. Even the stolen intimate moments with your partner—all of these deserve to be treasured. And what better way to capture them than in pictures?

So many changes in three months. 

Do you remember the way your baby’s curls gathered at his neck before they were trimmed into the neat young man hairstyle he has now? Do you remember how your little girl would wear your nightgown, insisting it was her most beautiful princess dress? The days are long, but the years are short. Every one of those clichés about the passing of time is correct.

If you have not already, I highly encourage you to schedule a documentary family session. Believe me: you’ll treasure those little moments preserved for you and future generations far more than posed pictures.

A little girl enjoying the first snow storm in New York City this year.
A little girl giggling as she lays in a snow bank in New York City.
A littler girl eating snow flakes during a snow storm in New York City.